EU Proposal Writing support

Get support from renowned experts in EU funds

EFMC mainly specialises in Horizon Europe (RIA/IA/CSA, ERC, MSCA, EIC Pathfinder, Widening…), but we also work with other grants (e.g. Erasmus+, European Social Fund, Creative Europe, Interreg). Do not hesitate to contact us at the bottom of the page if you want more information.

Who can access Horizon Europe? All organisations, universities, research centres, private companies, public bodies, NGOs and others.

Our colleagues providing proposal writing support are all senior experts in a grant type. While one expert will always be EFMC’s contact point for a consortium, they work as a team and can benefit from the different experience of their colleagues at any time. You can find more information on our experts here.

How do we support applicants? As each project is different, we will provide customised support. Our primary approach, based on our experience, tools, and methodology, is to help the applicant gather the correct inputs to prepare a first draft proposal based on the European Commission’s requirements and expectations. Then, we help them to improve this draft to its best possible version based on our long experience of submitting and evaluating proposals.

We have as well developed specific support based on our work with plenty of applicants all over Europe, mainly the following ones:

  • Writing the Impact section: most certainly the most competitive section of Horizon Europe, the Impact section has changed a lot since Horizon 2020. Our experts can draft it with you with information you may not have considered at first and shape it into what the Commission’s evaluator will want to read.
  • Proposal review: more experienced applicants might not want full support for their project proposal but still be interested in an external expert to analyse and comment on their proposal to improve it before submission. The review can be done once or several times on the same project. Usually, organisations request from one to three reviews of the proposal draft.

If you would like to improve your proposal writing capabilities, do not forget to check our proposal writing training.

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