The member states are finally able to make targeted investments in R&D without requiring approval from Brussels, as the European Commission has finally adopted state aid exemption rules for research. It’s possible to spend EU structural funds to co-finance Horizon Europe partnerships and research projects that receive the European Commission’s seal of excellence. The changes will […]

The European Commission renewed its efforts to get member states to raise their national public and private R&D investments. The pact seeks to convince member states to raise total private and public expenditure on research and development to at least 3% of gross domestic product. The EU average is 2.2%, well below the US, Japan, […]

The list of third countries invited to join new funding calls includes the UK and 17 others, while research cooperation between the EU and Switzerland is on hold. The news dismayed the Swiss researchers and policy stakeholders, leaving Swiss universities to wonder what will come of applications submitted this spring – and what the prospects […]

The work programmes for Horizon Europe are now published. Download them RIGHT HERE. -Work programme & call documents -2021-2022 HE Main Work Programme 2021-2022 EIC Work Programme 2021 ERC Work Programme 2021 For the next level in Horizon Europe grant applications, EFMC experts offer a comprehensive 3-day training on the proposal writing process for Horizon Europe […]

The European Commission is standing firm on its plan to exclude researchers from the non-EU countries from “sensitive” parts of the bloc’s upcoming €95.5 billion research programme. The Commission wants to limit the participation of non-EU entities in 49 actions in the main 2021/22 Horizon work programme, which sets out funding priorities and competitions for […]

Writing and managing EU-funded projects can turn into a painful experience. Why EU research needs professional support.   By Marco Liviantoni EU Senior Expert at EFMC – European Fund Management Consulting   In almost 2 decades of experience in EU affairs, one of the things I learned is that writing a project proposal for EU funding […]

Researchers in EU13 countries are perplexing over how to tap new research programme to strengthen R&D systems, as a struggle to attract foreign talent due to low salaries, and pandemic-driven economic crisis sparking cuts in national science budgets. Over the next seven years, the EU is going to spend 3.3% of Horizon Europe’s budget on […]

The clock is running fast, and you cannot wait for the end of May ’21 to start developing your proposal. Unfortunately, this is the foreseen timing for the completion of the underpinning legislative process that will convert drafted&leaked WPs into official legal documents. Call for proposals will be officially launched only by then, but we […]

ERC / MSCA / Research Infrastructures: ready to go! ERC Starting and Consolidator grants’ calls are published. World-class researchers and scientist are now working on their next proposals. If you are planning to submit an ERC proposal, hurry up with proposal preparation! MSCA work programme has been published in draft version, and tentative dates are […]

The new EIC work programme is now officially published, after a 2-Day presentation. You can watch the replay here. Most of the information had leaked, but important details were still to be confirmed. The work programme provides all the details regarding the new Pathfinder and Transition programmes. Find the work programme right here. Horizon Europe: […]

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