The calendar of calls for fundamental research will be back to normal next year. After two rounds of ERC grant competitions that followed an untypical schedule, the ERC intends to return to a regular calendar of calls under the Work Programme 2023. The preliminary calendar is published, yet the work programme detailing the calls’ full […]

The European Research Council has handed out €619M to early-career researchers as part of the first Horizon Europe funding round, leaving 28 Swiss grantees to take the funds elsewhere, while UK winners have also been warned they may have to make similar decisions if association talks do not succeed. Scientists in Switzerland and the UK […]

In its latest edition, the European Commission will award the Horizon Impact Award, a prize dedicated to European projects that have positively affected society throughout Europe and beyond. It acknowledges and rewards the most influential and impactful results of EU research and innovation programmes, including Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) and its predecessor, the 7th Framework Programme (FP7, 2007-2013). […]

With natural hydrogen becoming increasingly popular, more and more start-ups and larger companies are racing to obtain licenses to explore its potential. According to scientists researching this underexplored alternative, hydrogen can be extracted straight from the ground to supplement hydrogen derived from fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. Using natural hydrogen removes the most energy-consuming […]

1. The European Research Area talks in Slovenia ended, but more political commitment is needed for the project to move forward Members of the European Union reached agreement in November on a reimagined European Research Area (ERA), setting the stage for the implementation of a single market for research with shared investment targets, principles, and […]

According to the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Europe needs to build eleven new international research labs at the cost of €4,16 billion. On average, seven governments and institutions from 14 countries are backing each proposed lab. The biggest challenges are several aspects, hefty price tag, big carbon footprint and political commitment. The […]

According to EU diplomats, the Horizon Europe budget is seen as a convenient source of financing by the Commission who tends to come up with new ideas.  It is not sure if the Horizon Europe money would go to research and innovative activities. During the EU Council meeting, the EU research ministers complained as the […]

Mariya Gabriel, research commissioner, said that the UK will not be allowed to join Horizon Europe before the Northern Ireland Protocol will be settled. The Northern Ireland Protocol is an agreement which kept the province of Northern Ireland into the EU single market following the Brexit. However, the UK government has suspended parts of the […]

Switzerland made a first step to be accepted into Horizon Europe by paying overdue contributions to cohesion funding. However, there is still a long way before joining Horizon Europe. The Commission is looking for an “overall agreement” setting out the “conditions and the modalities” of participation. Read more Source: David Matthews, Science Business Picture: Science […]

  The overall structure of the MSCA program in five sub-actions under Horizon 2020 remains the same in Horizon Europe and only the namings have changed: Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) become “Doctoral Networks”; Individual Fellowships (IF) are merged into a single action: “Postdoctoral Fellowships” with two destinations (Global and Europe); the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) becomes the […]

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