Deadline: 17 June 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time Call-ID: H2020-DT-2018-2020 Call name: Digitising and transforming European industry and services: digital innovation hubs and platforms   Deadline: 17 June 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time Call-ID: H2020-FETHPC-2018-2020 Call name: FET Proactive – High-Performance Computing   Deadline:  17 June 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time Call-ID: H2020-FETPROACT-2018-2020 Call name: FET Proactive – Boosting […]

The EU 2021-2027 multiannual budget will be combined with a recovery plan in order to help the EU to get out of the coronavirus crisis. At the moment the European Commission is working on a new proposal for the EU budget and according to Europe’s largest industry association, the new budget has to boost investment in energy, environment, […]

Horizon Europe is the successor program of H2020, the European Union’s flagship research & innovation program and will have a budget of at least over €90 billion to spend over a seven-year period. Are you curious about how could you participate in Horizon Europe? 🧐 Find out more HERE.

… and how can you participate in Horizon 2020 European Union’s flagship Research & Innovation program? 🧐 We are here to help you! Find out more HERE.

Why not book a slot online on your agenda with our H2020 Financial Management Expert? 🤔 Get your project partners up to speed on how to avoid errors and avoid financial repercussions from the EC: Timesheet models, Eligible Costs and a whole lot more will be covered. Find out more – contact Robert Carroll, our […]

Already the second coronavirus research call has been launched by the European Commission. Horizon 2020 money was invested in the development of medical and digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence that help to look after and control COVID-19 patients more efficiently. The first Horizon 2020 call was launched at the beginning of the month and […]

Here are a few tips that might be helpful in making your proposal much more persuasive and to understand better the aspects that evaluators pay attention to. Let’s go: The proposal should be readable containing a clear hypothesis Determined objectives and forceful arguments If the project is groundbreaking, it has to be realizable. Preferably solutions should […]

Need Horizon 2020 & Horizon Europe Proposal Writing training? Don’t miss a chance to join our online training tomorrow! Check out the teaser below with our Senior Expert Robert Carroll and learn how to win your next Horizon 2020 grant. Register now!

€675 million of Horizon 2020 funding will be donated by the European Commission additionally into global research for the development of vaccines, diagnostic tools, and new treatments for COVID-19. The total investment to pandemic research and development has reached €1 billion now. Read more.

Brexit talks are gathering place this week regarding the UK government’s desire to join the next €100 billion EU research and innovation programme Horizon Europe. Progress is slow, however Brussels is showing signs of softening its approach for UK participation contingent on some degree of compromise from UK negotiators regarding competition law and fisheries policy. […]