Online training: be an evaluator for a day

Get support from renowned experts in EU funds.

Bring your past proposals for a critical look by our experts, a mock evaluation by the trainees, follow-up discussion, and lessons learnt.


  • 1-3 past proposals’ files and the relevant ESRs sent in advance to our expert trainer (in confidence).
  • Proposals (not ESRs) should also be made available to the trainees
  • Once the files are received, our expert and the group of trainees will need a minimum of 3 working days to read and assess them
  • Size of group: up to 6 trainees from organisations of the proposing consortium

The online sessions

  1. Introductory session once the proposal/ESR files become available (1 hour)
  2. Two-hour training session per proposal for the trainees to present their mock ESRs followed by discussion

Who can participate

  • Experienced teams from research offices of universities, research organisations and industry
  • Researchers involved in proposal writing
  • Proposal/project coordinators



Introductory session (1 hour)

  • The evaluation process
  • The EC evaluation forms – EC guidelines
  • What does an evaluator look for?
  • How long does he/she have to read and mark your proposal?
  • How do evaluators interact with each other to obtain consensus?

Training session

To take place once mock ESRs have been compiled by the group of trainees, i.e. at least 3 working days after the introductory session (duration: 2 hours per proposal)

Proposal: Participatory presentation of the group’s ESRs (2 hours)

  • Discussion with trainer
  • Comparison with original ESR
  • Discussion and conclusions

Similar agenda for more than one proposal, with additional two-hour sessions.

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