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Waiving flags in front of European Parliament building. Brussels, Belgium

€94.1 bn? €120 bn? How much for Horizon Europe?

The EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger urges Member States to come to an agreement for the next European budget period, including Horizon Europe. The European Parliament and the European Commission…

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H2020: €4 billion into Europe’s bioeconomy

Europe's interest in ecology and sustainable energy production is long known and has been shown in a wide diversity of actions. One of them is the investment in bioeconomy. Already…

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Does Europe invest enough in R&D?

The objective of Europe's Framework Programme was to invest 3% of its GDP into Research & Development. It only reached 2.03% so far, behind China (2.11%) and far behind the…

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€4.1 billion Euro for European Defence research

The European Parliament voted to assign a budget of €4.1 billion to the military research during Horizon Europe (2021-2027). With around €500 million a year, the military research spending would…

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2019: €100 million more for H2020 and Erasmus+?

The European Commissioner Günther H. Oettinger proposed to add €100 million for research and students mobility to the 2019 budget. If this proposal gets the agreement of the European Parliament…

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Mauro Ferrari new president of the ERC

The Italian nanobiologist Mauro Ferrari will replace Jean-Pierre Bourguignon at the head of the European Research Council. He will officially become the new president in January 2020. Mauro Ferrari is…

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H2020 top networkers

The European Commission presented a diagram showing the collaboration between the different H2020 partners. It is interesting to note that most of the 13 "newer" EU-Members and most of the…

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New microscopes against heart defects

A new microscope was developed by European scientists which will allow to show 3D images of very fast biological processes, such as the blood moving through the heart chambers, and…

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Zero-emission EU industry in 2050?

A new study from Material Economics states that zero-emission EU industry is "within reach", but costly. Heavy industry such as cement, chemicals and steel still rely a lot on fossil…

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Horizon Europe and cancer

The EU Research commissioner Carlos Moedas wants a "mission on cancer" during the next Framework Programme, Horizon Europe. We estimate that there will be 22 million new cases of cancer…

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