The research and innovation gap between richer and poorer nations should be fixed by the EU states. This gap creates a very unequal distribution of wealth across nations and should be repaired if we want to make a real difference with our policies. Read more here. Source: Florin Zubașcu, Science Business Picture: European Commission

Scientists and entrepreneurs should work more closely together to create successful businesses in Europe. What are the main challenges and opportunities? Read more in the Horizon Magazine interview with Professor Mark Ferguson. Source: Richard Grey, Picture: Paul Grecaud

Artificial Intelligence can be a great benefit for European research, but it is still an evolving field with ethical dilemmas. A high-level expert group discussed important issues related to this topic, such as training researchers to use AI competently. Read more Source: Stefania Gavra, Science Business Picture: Jack Moreh

Mariya Gabriel will replace Carlos Moedas as the commissioner of R&D in the EU, and her position will be renamed the commissioner for Innovation and Youth. Her background is Bulgarian, which makes people hopeful that she will put more emphasis on the fair distribution of EU research money, keeping in mind central and Eastern Europe. […]

Did you know that the European Commission has started trialing a new “Lump Sum” funding model before its full introduction into the new Horizon Europe programme? Horizon Europe is just around the corner and we have just learned about the potentially dramatic changes regarding forms of Union contribution. Based upon article. 125, point 1 (a) […]

Jean-Eric Paquet was in Australia this week to try to tighten the relations between Australia and Europe in Science. Australia is not a European partner, but its high investments in Science makes it a privileged partner for further collaboration with Europe in the new Horizon Europe programme. Read more Source: Éanna Kelly, Science BusinessPicture: Science […]

The recent election of Ursula von der Leyen, a gynecologist, at the head of the European Commission, will probably mean a certain interest of the Commission for Health in general. Science Business has gathered the reactions of 6 policy experts on the subject. Read moreSource: Éanna Kelly, Science BusinessPicture: European Commission

>>> Register to our upcoming H2020 trainings here! <<< The European Commission has just included on the 26th of June new annotations in version 5.2 of the H2020 AGA. Main aspects are: characteristics of amendments for MSCA: IF, ITN, RISE; ERA-NET Cofund, EJPCofund costs of internally invoiced goods & services cost recording in the beneficiaries […]

The European Union is asked to “refresh and reload” its relationship with Africa in the next years, especially in Research and Innovation. While Europe is very dependent on African raw materials, the European Center for Development Policy Management states that the cooperation in terms of Research and Innovation is still too weak and further collaboration […]

The Photonics industry declared being ready to invest up to €100bn in R&I during the next Horizon Europe programme which will last from 2021 to 2027. This important investment is justified by Photonics21 by the hard competition with the USA and Asia and the very high growth of the sector in Europe, claiming that investment […]

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