The UK will possibly need to create a new research funding body, in the case of a no-deal Brexit. Adrian Smith proposes that this new organisation could be run internationally and be open to anyone. The UK government is also working on policies to make the country more accessible to scientists. Read more here. Source: […]

The European Court of Auditors says that the rules for paying staff costs in the Horizon Europe program should be simplified. The rules have been criticized in the past by researchers also, said to be over complicated and prone to making errors. Read more here. Source: Nicholas Wallace, Science Business Picture: European Commission

Top scientists in Britain have voiced their concerns about the future of UK research after a possible no-deal Brexit. Any existing commitments are still being honored, but billions of future funding and taking part in Horizon Europe is at stake. Many researchers are also worried about their salaries, should the funding tap be suddenly turned […]

The importance of investing more in research and innovation was once again brought up at EU confirmation hearings. Johannes Hahn and Kadri Simson both said that efforts in this field, such as increasing the budget, are key in moving forward and strengthening Europe. Read more here. Source: Florin Zubașcu, Nicholas Wallace, Science Business Picture: European […]

Anita Krohn Traaseth, member of the European Innovation Council, says that Europe is positioned to lead the next wave of innovation. This wave will mostly be focused on sustainability and doing  more with less. She is optimistic in creating new industries, new jobs and new ways of handling careers. Read more here. Source: Nicholas Wallace, […]

EU health commissioner to be, Stella Kyriakides is passionate about fighting against cancer. An EU cancer plan requires wide investment and research as well as more affordable medication. She also emphasizes the importance of affordable nutritious food and tackling climate pollution. Read more here. Source: Éanna Kelly, Science Business Photo: European Commission

Main goals for the 2020 EU budget include continuing to fight climate change, supporting the Youth Employment initiative and innovating areas such as technology and health. Details of the budget will be voted on the 14th October by the Budgets Committee. Read more here. Source: European Press Room Picture: Pixabay

The EU’s incoming research and innovation chief has promised to take action against disparity between rich and poor countries across the EU. She also promises to look into simplifying the EU research programs in general. Read more about her confirmation hearing here. Source: Nicholas Wallace, Florin Zubașcu, Éanna Kelly, Science Business Picture: European Commission

Replacing Carlos Modeas in November, Gabriel has vowed to defend an ambitious budget for Horizon Europe. In her responses to the questions from the Parliament she also stressed the importance of basic science and fundamental research. She was also asked which non-EU countries she would prioritize in research cooperation. Read more here. Source: Nicholas Wallace, […]

More countries are wanting to join Europe’s R&D program Horizon Europe. Negotiations are, however, not likely to start until the first half of 2020. First, a stable basis of regulation is needed to start considering new countries into the program. Read more here. Source: Éanna Kelly and Richard L. Hudson Picture: H2020, European Commission

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