Winning the prestigious grant from the ERC is a goal for many scientists across Europe. Researches in poorer countries, however, often come below the ERC’s excellence threshold. To maximise their chances, they should keep applying, extend their networks and find partners from western countries, says Kassabova, a scientist from Bulgaria who just recently won a […]

EU leaders are looking to make cuts in the overall EU budget for 2021-2027, which will most likely also influence the research funding program. Nothing is decided yet, however, as the budget talks have just started and will continue for months to come. Read more here. Source: Nicholas Wallace, Science Business Picture: Pixabay

Negotiators have moved closer to making a deal, with just a few disputes left to settle. The British prime minister is yet to sign off on the negotiators work, however. Read more about the negotiations here. Source: Jacopo Barigazzi, David M. Herszenhorn, Politico Picture: Pixabay

The launch of the new EC is likely to be delayed by a month because the European Parliament has rejected three candidates proposed by EU governments for commissioners. The delay is to give the governments of Hungary, Romania and France time to propose new candidates for commissioners after their initial choices failed to pass hearings. […]

A research project by the Joint Research Centre has published their recommendations for future governments and what we need to improve as a society. Most importantly, it includes elements to help us build future digital government in a modern online world. Some of the examples include exploring new participatory governance mechanisms to raise citizens’ trust […]

As the chances for a breakthrough in time for this week’s summit are slim, there has been talk about extending Brexit beyond 31 October. The European Commission president said he would back a prolongation of UK’s membership if necessary. Read more here. Source: The Guardian Picture: Pixabay

All European Academies have made their suggestions on the implementation of Horizon Europe. In order to achieve better conditions for research and innovation in Europe, they would like to see changes such as fair and equal distribution of funds and ensuring Horizon Europe is ‘open to the world’ among other things. Read more here. Source: […]

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