As a supplier or as a beneficiary
EFMC might take over all your dissemination tasks:
Dissemination tasks
- Dissemination Strategy Development
- Stakeholder Identification (academia, industry, policymakers and the general public) and Engagement (meetings, workshops, and networking events)
- Scientific Publications (research papers in peer-reviewed journals, findings at scientific conferences and workshops).
- Project Website and Online Repository (website with accessible results and updates, online repository for project deliverables, publications, and datasets)
- Open Access and Data Management plan, ensuring data is FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).
- Workshops and Conferences (Organize workshops, seminars and conferences)
- Newsletters and E-mail Campaigns
- Policy Briefs and Recommendations
- Educational and Training Materials (Create modules, guides and other educational materials)
- Multimedia and Visual Content (Infographics, videos and podcasts to explain project results. Share multimedia content through social media and other online platforms.
- Public Outreach and Community Engagement (public lectures, science cafes and outreach events)
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Dissemination Activities
- Collaboration with Other Projects and Initiatives (establish connections with other Horizon Europe projects and related initiatives. Share best practices and learn from other projects’ dissemination experiences.
- Reporting and Documentation

These tasks are designed to ensure that the project’s results are effectively shared with the relevant audiences, maximizing the impact and uptake of the findings and fostering further research and innovation.